The Impact a Hypersexualised World Has on Our Children

 By now everyone should be aware of the detrimental effects that pornography has had over the past 50 years, those who are not sure must either be naïve or wilfully ignorant as the evidence is quite stark. These negatives have only become exacerbated in recent years as a result of pornography consumers requiring more perverse, hardcore pictures and videos to satisfy their perceived sexual needs (this can include the rise and apparent normalisation of paedophilia in recent years but that is a topic for a different article). A few examples of the harm pornography have inflicted on our society for generations are discussed in  this article, the most devastating are yet to be uncovered as we will see the true extent of the damage when this next generation is fully immersed into this widespread perversion.


  The spiral into the dark and dingy hellscape of pornography does not usually start with the renowned tube sites that we are all well aware of. In fact, this now starts from pre-pubescent ages such as 9 or 10 years old  as the vast majority have been given their own phones, therefore social media is merely 3 clicks away. This has given millions of children unobstructed access to view more “beautiful” women in one day of scrolling than lords and kings had access to in their entire lives 200 years ago, even the parents who commit to placing safety measures on their child’s phone or on the router itself cannot stop this monster from consuming their children too as it is all too easy to bypass these restrictions. This is not arbitrary as some “researchers” and “journalists” will claim however as the effects on these children is widespread and devastating. The fact that this epidemic is being downplayed by the media and politicians or merely not spoken about due to the backlash they would receive from the sex work industry is horrifying. Showing these people in positions of power whose sole job is to protect care more about the power and money they may lose than the safety and wellbeing of the citizens they swore to protect, some of these may also be trying to hide some of their own secrets so decide to keep their mouths shut.


Distorted View of Sex and Healthy Relationships

 The first impact I would like to shed some light on is a distorted view of sex and healthy relationships which is far more disastrous at a young age as their brains are much more susceptible to outside influences. A result of seeing these adults engaging in these perverse behaviours and their peers and society treating the viewing of this material as normal and sometimes even encouraged creates a very easy track for the child to follow and accept as a part of normal life. It is our responsibility as adults and guardians of the next generation to instil the correct values in our children and educate them on the negative outcomes of consuming this form of media. There is also evidence showing that 10% of 9 year olds have been exposed to pornography which is far too young as kids as highly susceptible to anything they are introduced to and find it hard to differentiate what is good and what is harmful, especially when it comes to something as complex as the viewing of adults participating in consensual sexual play. All these horrific factors combine to create an incredibly distorted and twisted upbringing dominated by the observation of sexual practices at an age that is far too young and normalising acts that should never be witnessed by a child. This can then become the catalyst for young men to become violent misogynists and for women to develop incredibly potent self esteem issues and potentially get to a point in which they rely on the sexual attention of their male classmates to claw back some semblance of self-worth. I will try my best to explore these topics next.


Porn Escalation and It’s Ramifications


 There are addictions that are more widely talked about and have broken through the taboo barrier and are now allowed to be discussed openly in polite society, pornography addiction is not one of them, it is not even a recognised disorder according to psychology bosses in the West. In any case, I would consider the main addictions to be nicotine and alcohol addictions and as a result of the wider discussion of these addictions we have collectively agreed on many rules of addiction, the longer you allow yourself to be consumed by an addiction, the more extreme it becomes and the more you have to indulge in order to receive a buzz that is vaguely similar to what you would have experienced when it was new and exciting and not enslaving and debilitating. The point I am making is that pornography addiction functions using the same mechanisms as these more widely discussed addictions. The longer a person watches pornography, the more extreme their viewing habits become, the research has been done on this topic and there is very solid research that this is what happens with a long-term pornography addiction. Addicts start off being more than satisfied with the first video that appears on the homepage of Pornhub (or whichever porn video site you want to choose), this randomly generated video is more than enough to get your sexual receptors firing and the dopamine rush will be electric, this is usually not enough to get you addicted straight away but your brain now knows that if it needs a top up of dopamine then this is an easy source to tap in to. Over the next few months, the first video that pops up on the website is no longer enough for you and your brain craves something else to keeps its dopaminergic response high, this might be a case of selecting a certain category or a pornstar that you now recognise the name of now. This is when the addiction has now taken hold is not letting go without a fight, but it’s not become enough of a problem in most cases for your brain to recognise it as a threat and consider the long-term implications that viewing these videos will have on their daily life.